Wednesday, 4 January 2012

The head covering for Christian women

I had to write a note on the use of a prayer shawl, as I have been using one for the first time this year. It started when I read Paul's teaching on it, I couldn't quite understand what he was saying because of the modern translation of the bible, but after asking my husband about the verses and going back to the Greek it became clear that the teaching I had recieved in the past was incorrect! This left me with a obey the teaching of Paul on the matter, or to dismiss it and carry on as normal. I found I couldn't dismiss it and decided I would follow scripture. I didn't know the blessing this would be to me.
So I went to church the following Sunday looking the odd one out, and it wasn't easy!!
The truth was I didn't understand that the Lord was wanting to bless me.....but I do understand that now. As a child I was always plugged in spiritualy and at night had horrid, vivid nightmares for years. I was so frightened I wouldn't close my eyes incase they would start up again. I went to school exhausted every day. I understand now that I was most probably being attacked by the enemy, as he knew I would be the Lord's in the future. My Mother brought a cross in one night and told me that Jesus would look after me, the nightmares stopped on that night and I didn't have any more.
Later when I became a Christian I started to move into the area of worship, it's then I came under heavy attack again, and at the begining of my Christian walk I suffered great spiritual attack in many ways. As the years went by I learn't to stand through the attacks and they became less and less but were always vicious when they did come.
The begining of this year was very difficult and I suffered great attack when going into hospital for an opperation. The drugs they had me on made things even worse because they acted as a door opener and I was already senitive to spiritual things! As people prayed for me things turned round and they let me out of hospital but I felt worse for wear!! It wasn't long after that I read the scripture on head coverings and started to wear one. On that day I found the deepest peace from God, I felt totally protected by God himself, and I felt shut off from the world when in prayer. I began to hear the Lord with more clarity than before as well, I began to see more clearly, everything became clearer than before. I was aware of a level of protection I'd been missing out on for years, seriously! I believe that women worship leaders can come under greater attack than men, I say this because it's not just I who has been attacked in this way, but I've seen it with many other women involved with worship. Wearing a head covering has been a wonderful blessing and I thank the Lord for leading me to wear one. Now people can and do mark you as being 'religious' but it really has nothing to do with that, all that comes from a women wearing a head covering within prayer times and worship is.......blessings and protection from on high. Be blessed :)

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