Saturday 14 January 2012

Favoritism in the Church

Favoritism is rife within the world and does much damage to people. The world encourages people to compete against each other.  Parents can favour one child over others, bosses favour certain workers, teachers often have their favourites, and the list is very long!  We can expect that in the world, but where favoritism is NOT allowed (but is often found) is within the Church.   When favoritism is found within the Church is reaps devastating effects in the body of Christ.  When leaders fall into the sin of favouring certain people over others Satan most certainly gains a foothold within the fellowship.  Sheep are very observant with leaders and they know very quickly if others are receiving preferential treatment.  I have been on both ends of this in the past.   I've been ignored and dismissed as a young Christian and I've been "the best thing since sliced bread!" as I grew in Christ.  At the time, being "passed over" really hurt, but on reflection, I'd rather be at that end of the scale than be elevated, as being elevated was far more dangerous to my walk and my soul.   As leaders and as sheep we must stop and examine ourself before God, favoritism, preeminence and competition are forbidden amoung Christians in the bible.  I'll attach a good teaching to this blog for any who wish to dig deeper into this neglected part of church life.                                                                                                              

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