Story of Joel: psalm 139
by Colette Yallop on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 at 6:53pm
This all sarted off with finding out I was pregnant with a third baby. The very next day I was reading the set scripture for the day and it had psalm 139. I came across the words in verse 13 'You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.' It just hit me! the Holy Spirit made it totally personal to the baby I was carrying and I just sat there in tears.
We had booked a holiday with the older children and although I felt really rough. A few weeks later we still went away for a week. During that week away I lost my balance whilst out and had a fall, I also lost a little blood so when we got home I went straight to the doctor who then sent me straight to the hospital for a scan.
It was whilst we were waiting outside the consultant's room that the Lord spoke, not in an audible way but straight into every fibre of my being, he told me that the hospital were going to tell me that there was something wrong with the baby, He said 'do not believe a word they tell you, but stand on the word I gave you.' I just sat there thinking did I really just hear all that or was it me, then we got called in by the consultant.
We had all the chat to begin with and then he got down to the issue. He said 'we did a test on the back of the baby's neck and it looks very much like the baby has Downs Syndrome. With the measurements we have done along with your own age it's a very high percentage that it will be Downs, we can look at all of the options and take it from there.'
I said very little and we were passed on to the midwife she had about 4 or 5 others in the room with her, they were doing their training. I can't remember what she said, only the mention of abortion, apart from that I remember nothing. We than waited to see another doctor, I managed to tell John what I believed the Lord had said in the mean time. As we waited the Lord spoke again 'don't let them near him with a needle, keep him away from them.' then the doctor came across to us. It was all about abortion! They wanted to do an amniocentesis, I said NO! They went on and on about it but both John and myself made it quite clear that we were Christians and that it just wasn't going to happen. The only point of having an amniocentesis was with a view to abort and that wasn't an option.
So we went home and spent the next months on an emotional rollercoaster, but we kept reading psalm 139 and we believed God and not the Hospital.
Time went by and blood pressure went up until the day came they pulled me in to induce labour, it wasn't a bad time at all. Joel was born on the 25th Febuary 2003 he was just beautiful, the most handsome little thing and totally healthy and normal (whatever people class as normal) but even if he had been down's we would have loved and kept him, but the Lord was right and the hospital wrong and I saw the main midwife hanging around to see the outcome of it all!!
As Joel grows up we'll tell him all the story of how the Lord spoke about him before he was born and we'll pass on psalm 139 as that is for him.
Now it turns out that Joel has a mild form of dyspraxia so he's not perfect as the world would see it, but his teacher came up to me at the end of term and told me that he had asked the children in Joel's class to pick a role model out, someone they would most like to be like, he said 'all the class chose Joel.' That made me cry because I knew who was and remains behind it all, Our Lord and Saviour! what would we do without Him. I pray that Joel will grow up to give the Lord the Glory He so deserves.